Ralf Haller

2023 comeback of high-tech stocks

Back in November 2021 Swissquote wrote about 25 top firms to invest in 2022.

Now one year later the pundits are smarter. 15 of these recommended firms had double-digit and some - nearly - three-digit losses.

Of course nothing new at all. Noone can predict anything even - or in particular - if they claim. Long-term investment remains the only solid strategy, unless you have insider knowledge.

Now, the 15 firms for 2023 are: (invest long-term IMHO)

  • Fortinet (YTD: -20%)
  • NVIDIA (-44%)
  • Infineon (-22%)
  • Nice Systems (-30%)
  • Twilio (-80%)
  • Zscaler (-57%)
  • Cyberark (-14%)
  • Cloudflare (-62%)
  • Salesforce (-43%)
  • Match Group (-63%)
  • Datadog (-54%)
  • ASML (-19%)
  • Palo Alto Networks (-5%)
  • Broadcom (-19%)
  • Logitech (-26%)
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